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Gender & Women's Studies Creative Writing Contest

24th Annual Gender & Women’s Studies

Creative Writing Contest

Seeks fresh, reflective poetry, fiction, or creative nonfiction exploring feminist themes/issues

 Deadline: 4:00 p.m. Friday, March 26, 2021


•Any WKU student may submit one original, unpublished work up to 750 words. Entrant’s name must not appear on the manuscript, but should be accompanied by a cover sheet that includes the title of the piece, name, student ID number, local address, undergrad or grad status, and WKU e-mail address.

•The winners, one undergraduate and one graduate, will be honored at the Gender & Women’s Studies Awards Ceremony TBA. Each winner will receive a $100 award.

•Submit to: Dale Rigby, Dept. Of English 110A or email attachment to dale.rigby@wku.edu


Creative Writing Contest Flyer


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 Last Modified 3/11/21