Faculty and Staff

- Professor
- nikolai.endres@wku.edu
- Cherry Hall 133a
- Curriculum Vitae
World Literature; British Literature; Mythology; Gay and Lesbian Literature; Literary Criticism (graduate); International Cinema; London in Literature; Writing Across the Disciplines
Nikolai Endres received his Ph.D. in Comparative Literature from the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill in 2000. As Professor of World Literature and Film at Western Kentucky University, he teaches Great Books, British literature, classics, mythology, critical theory, queer cinema, and gay and lesbian studies. He has published on Plato, Ovid, Petronius, Gustave Flaubert, Richard Wagner, Walter Pater, Oscar Wilde, E. M. Forster, André Gide, F. Scott Fitzgerald, Mary Renault, Gore Vidal, and others. He just completed a first book of the late American novelist Patricia Nell Warren, author of the famous gay novel The Front Runner. His next projects are the Romosexuality of E. M. Forster’s Maurice and classics beyond whiteness in the photographs of the Baron von Gloeden.
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