Field Experience
Undergradute field geology experience can be achieved by involving in field research work mentored by a Geological Sciences faculty member, and/or by enrolling in Introduction to Field Techniques (GEOL 380) course, which is required for Geological Sciences - Geology track but could be elective for Geological Sciences - Environmental Earth Science track and/or enrolling in GEOL 455 Field Geology course. GEOL 455 could be elective for both tracks.

Covers geological fieldwork techniques: sampling, rock identification, field notes, and lab analysis. Students measure at WKU campus.

Covers geological fieldwork techniques: sampling, rock identification, field notes, and lab analysis. Dr. May explains geology at the Falls of the Ohio.

A detailed study of the Mammoth Cave. Dr. Groves, explaining the Mammoth Cave geology in the Mammoth Cave.

Karst Hydrogeology is a field course on karst landscapes and aquifer systems, focusing on methods to address environmental issues.

Covers deformation, field notes, and geologic structure history. Students measure bedding plane attitudes of Appalachian metamorphic rocks.

Participate in faculty-led fieldwork research for hands-on experience. Appalachian fieldtrip with Dr. Nahid Gani.

Offers geological field experiences in various settings, teaching fieldwork methods, data collection, and geologic mapping. Dr. Royhan is explaining sedimentology.

A week-long fieldwork at remote locations of the Mojave Desert and Death Valley, California, led by a faculty member as part of the Field Geology course.

Involves sedimentary rock structures and depositional history to gather field experience. Dr. Royhan with his GEOL 360 class students .

Involves sedimentary rock structures and depositional history to gather field experience. Dr. May with his GEOL 360 class students .
Many of the external field sites below offer 3 and 6 credit hours that are transferable to WKU's GEOG 452 course. In order to get credit for a field course from another institution, you would need to transfer your academic transcripts to WKU. If you have any questions about the field course, please contact the field course professor/director directly.
Not all field experiences are acceptable. Double check with your advisor to verify that a particular field course will be transferable to WKU.
For your major at WKU, you will need to select a single 6 hour field experience, or a take GEOL 380 plus a 3 credit hour field experience.
Due dates are early, usually first come - first serve.
- - has a huge list of possible field camps. Check out the locations and prices.
- Illinois State University - north, northwest USA
- Black Hills Field Camps 2015 - looking for a diverse geology experience? 3 and 6 hour options
- Andes Field Work - Run through Cornell University
- Ireland Field Camp - petroleum geology, hydrology, glacial geology, structure/sed/strat/petro
- University of Arizona - 6 credit hours in the southwest
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