Present your Research at Professional Conferences - Geological Societies
Examples of Geological Sciences Students Research Presentations

Mykah Carden

Clay Kilgore

Riley Summers & Katie Norman

Nima Esmaeilzadeh

Sydney Anderson

Will Strehl

Dereje Carl

Zexuan Wang & Shelby Bowden

Victor Towoju

Carrie Updegraff

John Lunday

Meghan Raines
NATIONAL, REGIONAL, AND LOCAL CONFERENCESTo consider presenting your research
- American Association of Petrolum Geologist Annual Convention and Exhibition
- American Association of Petrolum Geologist Student Expo
- American Geophysical Union Annual Fall Meeting
- Geological Society of America Annual Conference
- Geological Society of America Regional Conference
- Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies Annual Convention
- Kentucky Academy of Science Annual Meeting
- National Spleological Society Convention
- SEPM International Sedimentary Geosciences Congress
- Western Kentucky University Student Research Conference
- AAPG - American Association of Petrolum Geologist
- AEG - Association of Environmental and Engineering Geologists
- AGI – American Geological Institute
- AGU - American Geophysical Union
- AWG - Association for Women Geoscientists
- GSA – Geological Society of America
- KAS - Kentucky Academy of Science
- MSA – Mineralogical Society of America
- NAGT – National Association of Geoscience Teachers
- NSS - National Spleological Society
- SEPM – Society of Sedimentary Geology
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