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Financial Wellness Survey

Click here to take the Financial Wellness Survey. 


The Department of Student Financial Assistance, in consultation with the WKU Center for Financial Success and the WKU Burch Institute, has created a Financial Wellness Survey (FWS).

The term financial wellness refers to an individual's relationship with money. This relationship can be in reference to how you manage your finances, your ability to reach long-term or short-term financial goals, your attitude towards money, or the current state of your financial resources (National Financial Educators Council, 2018).

The main purpose of this study is to provide Western Kentucky University with information about our student body's financial well-being. This means learning about the financial needs and challenges of our student population. The results of this survey will be used for future programming decisions.
This survey usually takes between 5 to 10 minutes to complete.

In order to be able to make changes based on the needs of our student body, we need to hear from you—the student. By completing this survey, you will be able to influence future student programming decisions at WKU. 

This survey may be taken from November 18 to December 9

Any WKU student who is currently enrolled for the Fall 2019 semester can take this survey. 

A mass email was sent out to all students on November 18. This email contained directions on how students can access the survey. 

If you are a current WKU student and need this email to be resent to you, please send an email to heather.cowherd@wku.edu

Yes. At the end of the survey, you can enter into a drawing for a chance to win one of the following prizes:

  • (1) $100 Visa Gift Card
  • (2) $50 Amazon Gift Card
  • (1) $50 BG Community Farmers Market Gift Certificate
  • (2) Technology Gift Bag (includes a $15 WKU Bookstore Gift Card, a bluetooth speaker, headphones, and power bank)
  • (1) Wellness Gift Bag (includes 1 White Squirrel water bottle, 2 frisbees, 1 wellness key chain, and 1 WKU branded microwavable bowl)
  • (2) WKU Gift Bag (1 WKU Towel, 1 WKU Pennant, 1 WKU T-Shirt, 1 WKU Lanyard, 1 miniature Big Red, and 1 WKU Drawstring Bag) 

All winners will be notified by email after December 9. 

Note: All prizes were donated. 

If you have any questions/concerns about this survey or experience any technical difficulties, please contact Heather Cowherd at heather.cowherd@wku.edu



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 Last Modified 11/18/19