Final Check
Final Check reviews your page for spelling, link, and accessibility errors. Before publishing, it will provide a list of errors that may need addressed. Using Final Check to correct any issues will ensure that pages on the WKU website are accessible and provide the best experience for any user.
Accessibility Check
While accessibility displays last in the list of Final Checks, it is the most important. In addition to our accessibility best practices, the Accessibility check scans the page for issues as defined by WCAG 2.1 AA accessibility standards. It identifies four levels of problems:
- Critical Problems: Result in blocked content for people with disabilities, preventing them from accessing fundamental features or content.
- Serious Problems: May partially prevent people with disabilities from accessing fundamental features or content.
- Moderate Problems: Will not prevent people with disabilities from accessing fundamental features or content.
- Minor Problems: Considered to be annoyances for people with disabilities.
In the accessibility check results, each problem is listed with the location of the error in the source code, the name of the issue, an excerpt of the offending code, and a suggested repair. Visit the Knowledge Base Final Checks section for step by step instructions to fix common issues.
Accessibility Check Steps Accessibility Errors
Have an accessibility check problem that is not listed in the Knowledge Base? Contact the ITS Service Desk or Submit a Service Request.
Spelling Check
The "Spell Check Results" box lists misspelled words on the page and how many times they occur. Spell check scans words in the editable page content, the source code, and image descriptions.
Please Note: Words may display correctly but be marked as misspelled due to code generated by the WYSIWYG editor in the word.
Link Check
The "Link Check Results" box shows every link on the page, whether it works or not. It lists the URL, the status of the link on both the staging and production servers, and a status code (if applicable).
Link Status Icon Meanings

Staging: The link is valid.
Production: The link is valid.

Staging: The link is broken on the page in staging.
Note: This will also display when linking to a folder instead of index.php. disregard
these directory warnings if the link is valid in production, the status will be OK.
Production: The link is broken and points to a file that has been moved. This is indicative of a redirect, if possible update the link to the final destination to keep the link up to date.

Staging: This icon does not display in the staging column.
Production: The link is broken and points to a nonexistent destination. This indicates a 404 - Page Not Found or 500 Server Error and the link must be fixed.

Staging: This icon does not display in the staging column.
Production: Link check is unable to verify if it's a valid link or not; often occurs with mailto links.
Need Assistance?
The WKU ITS Service Desk is here to help. Give us a call, chat with a representative online, use the Self-Help Knowledge Base and more.
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