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Logan Stewart


About Logan

Logan Stewart is a B.S. student and double major in Mathematical Economics and Computer Science here at Western Kentucky University. He has an interest in machine learning, especially sentiment analysis and big data, and is currently working towards a PhD in Machine Learning. He plans to finish his bachelor’s in the spring of 2025.

Logan is a graduate of the Gatton Academy on campus, where he has gained undergraduate research experience under Dr. Ozkan Ozer of the Mathematics Department at WKU. He currently works as a Fitness Center Attendant at the Preston Center, and is a registered private tutor for the WKU Mathematics Department. After getting his bachelor’s, Logan wants to pursue a PhD in Machine Learning and do research in (and teach) computer science. When he is not working on code or doing research, he enjoys weightlifting and playing video games.




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 Last Modified 11/15/22