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Hayden Nelson


About Hayden

Hayden Nelson is a graduate assistant and student for Western Kentucky University’s Industrial/Organizational Psychology program. He had studied I/O related topics at the University of Nebraska at Kearney while completing his Bachelor of Science in Psychology with a minor in Business Administration. His interest in I/O developed with topics such as employee selection, training, and psychometrics. During his undergraduate experience, he helped with data analysis for a study focusing on law enforcement officers and treatment of PTSD-symptoms through mindful meditation.

Hayden is currently a Teaching Assistant for Social Psychology underneath Dr. Aaron Wichman in addition to involvement in the Big Data Lab for Organizational Effectiveness. His interests are currently in exploring further selection and training processes for law enforcement populations for improved ethical performance. After receiving his masters, he hopes to continue a career in consulting and apply to Ph.D. programs for a doctoral degree. His non-academic interests include disc golf, music/podcasts, and drawing.



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 Last Modified 9/5/22