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Job analysis: The first step for hiring smart!

Chen-Chillas successfully delivered the first business project to their client! 

Adam Fults, 5/2/2022


It is a business necessity for organizations to update positions periodically, especially when they experience organizational transition. Job analysis is a wise course of action to understand a job that has undergone change and to assess the tasks and responsibilities that need to be updated for a given position.

Alexander Davy, Adam Fults, and Julia Hong lead the job analysis project for the newly-emerging position in the School of Engineering and Applied Sciences (SEAS), Western Kentucky University. The analysis consisted of three phases: archival data analysis and field observation, job audits, and criticality analysis. A job description was written based on the job analysis results and will soon be used for recruitment.

The technical report was delivered to the SEAS on April 21, 2022. Our work was highly valued by Dr. Stacy Wilson, Director of the SEAS.

We are so happy to work with our clients to help with their personnel recruitment and selection needs! If you would like to conduct a job analysis or design a legally defensible personnel selection tool or procedure, please contact us for more details. 


Members participating in this job analysis project: 
Alexander K. Davy
Adam Fults 
Julia Hong
Adalin McDaniel
Melissa Sorensen

Dr. Xiaowen Chen

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 Last Modified 6/13/22