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F1rst Gen On the Hill


We are glad you are here to Climb With Us!  As a first-generation student, you are already demonstrating your resilience and resourcefulness, but we all know the climb can be steep.  Think of the resources and engagement opportunities on this page as climbing tools that can help you reach the Top and benefit you even after graduation.

WKU defines first-generation as “neither parent graduated from a traditional four-year college. It does not mean that you are the first one in your family to attend college. In addition, a student is considered "first generation" if their parents graduated with an associate's degree (two-year degree), attended college but did not graduate, or had a sibling graduate with a bachelor's degree.

About 30% of WKU undergraduate students are first-generation.  (The chart shows data for 2022.) Additional details are available in the downloadable/printable fact sheets, below.

First Gen Fact Sheet 2022    First Gen Fact Sheet 2023


Percentage of First-generation Students in 2022
First Gen Win Event
First Gen WIN!
Spring Semester Events Have Concluded

Our last event of the semester is a wrap!  We had a great time meeting and learning more about first-gen students.  The Make It Count Scholarship winners have all been contacted: eight students received $750 or $250 scholarships.  We are thrilled to invest in these students!

You can see event highlights on Instagram @iamfirst_wku    Join the conversation by sharing your successes and advice.

We look forward to seeing you in the fall!

Make It Count                                                                                                                    

All students are welcome at our workshops.  See the Upcoming Events list for details.  Participation will earn points toward completion grant eligibility.  Refer to the Suitable information on this page for more information.

National First-Gen Celebration and First-Gen Alumni-in-Residence

Join us as we raise awareness for the first-generation experience.

Success Coaching

Coming Soon! Students will be matched with a peer, faculty/staff, or alumni success coach who can provide guidance and encouragement.  You may want a coach who can help you set goals; select a major; prepare for high impact practices such as student research and study abroad; prepare for your profession or grad school; and much more.  If you think this is a great idea, leave a comment!  Your input will help us gauge interest and refine the program.

F1rst 2 the Hill Academy

Begin in your second year, continue till you graduate!  Participants receive leadership training, career skills training, mentors, scholarship opportunities, and more.  F2HA is no cost to students.  Click to apply!  Have questions?  Scroll down to the webform and send us a message!

First-Gen High School Summer Camp

For high school students who will be first generation college students.  More information and link to interest form is on the camp webpage.

F1rstGen Living Learning Community

This LLC is for incoming first-time, first-year WKU students.  Students who are unsure of their major are preferred.  More information and link to housing application is on the LLC webpage.

F1rstGen Student Ambassadors

Help us spread the word and plan events- apply to be a F1rst Gen Student Ambassador!  In addition to supporting first-generation students, ambassadors have opportunities for scholarships and engagement that can help with academic and professional goals.  Juniors preferred. Application will be open through the end of the fall semester.

Students at MIC Event

Use the Suitable app to see a comprehensive list of activities and track your participation in F1rstGen programs.  Things to know:

  • Suitable is free.
  • Eligibility for completion grants will be determined by pathway completions and total points earned!
  • Points earned for completing F1rstGen activities may count toward other campus programs that also use Suitable.
  • Use the curated pathways- called Achievements- in Suitable to focus on the activities we think will help you most.  Pathways include: First Year, Second Year, and various competency- and program-focused options.  Not all students will see all pathways.
  • Enable Notifications to receive timely information regarding upcoming events, attendance incentives, and more.
  • Be sure to "complete" the activity to earn your points.  You may need to scan a QR code, submit a comment, answer a questionnaire, or submit a document or image file.

Faculty and Staff Advocates

WKU doesn't just have first-generation students, many of the faculty, staff, and alumni are also first-generation graduates and are committed to helping you succeed.  You can also see a list of faculty and staff advocates.  If you need to engage with a new program or build your network, there is an advocate who can help!

WKU Alumni Association First-Gen Advocates

The First-Generation Alumni Advocates Program connects first-generation WKU Alumni with first-generation WKU students to offer support and guidance. Advocates share their stories, create awareness and directly engage with first-generation students from recruitment to graduation and beyond.

Use the list controls to sort and search terms.

Terminology Definitions and Tips
Provost Chief academic officer of the university, Dr. Bud Fischer.  Reports directly to the President.
Faculty University employees who teach classes, conduct research, and perform services such as advising student groups and working on committees.  Tip: If in doubt, call them Professor.  Call them Doctor if they have earned a Ph.D., Ed.D, or other doctoral level degree.
Office Hours (aka Student Hours) The time a faculty person sets aside to be available to students outside of class.  Tip: Use office hours to get to know your professor. Don't wait until you have a problem!
First-generation WKU Student Neither of the student's parents/guardians has a four-year, or higher, college degree from an accredited university or college in the United States.
Registrar Maintains all academic records, current and past.  This includes registration for courses, grades, degree programs, approving graduation eligibility, and transcripts.
College There are five academic colleges within Western Kentucky University: PCAL, OCSE, CHHS, GFCB, and CEBS.  Each academic college is led by a Dean.
Academic Standing A "C" average (GPA 2.0) or better is required to be in "good" academic standing.  You must be in good academic standing to receive federal financial assistance. Tip: Some programs require higher than "C" average.  Aim high, especially in your major!
Dean The leader of a college. Also, Dean of Libraries and Dean of Students.
Drop/Add The time during the beginning of a semester when courses can be dropped or added without a penalty.
Plagiarism Presenting someone else's ideas as your own.  Tip: Don't do it!
Syllabus A document that outlines the essential information about a college course.  Tip: review the course syllabus early and note important dates on your calendar!  Return to the syllabus throughout the semester, as needed.
Student Ombuds Officer An impartial point of contact for students who have questions about university policies.
President The university's chief executive officer.  Reports to the Board of Regents.
Staff Staff are university employees working in offices, taking care of buildings, and serving students across campus.  "Faculty" and "Staff" are considered two separate classifications, but some staff members also teach courses.
Advisor A designated faculty or staff member who helps a student choose and register for classes and select an overall course of study.
Blackboard This is the Learning Management System (LMS) used by WKU faculty to house course information, assignments, and grades.  Tip:  How Blackboard is used by a particular faculty person can vary.  Be sure to log in early and be familiar with each course!
FERPA The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) protects student information.  This means that your information can only be shared with "non-essential" individuals, including your parents, with your written consent.
Financial Assistance Financial assistance or financial aid includes grants and scholarships (money you don't pay back), loans (money you pay back with interest), and money you can earn (stipends and work-study).  Tip: Complete your FAFSA every year to help ensure that you receive the maximum amount of financial assistance.
Major The area of study that you choose to pursue. Each major includes a list of courses and a minimum number of overall course hours to take.  (Note:  The number of hours required for a specific major will count toward the requirement to have 120 course hours in order to graduate.)
General Education At WKU, the general education program is The Colonnade Program.  General education is a part of all accredited four-year/Bachelor's degrees.  The program is designed to ensure that each student has foundational skills, knowledge, and perspective to be an effective professional and better citizen.



For more events and items of interest to F1rst Gen students, follow us on Instagram



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 Last Modified 7/24/24