Faculty and Staff

- Associate Professor of Horticulture
- HORT 407/408: Plant Propagation & Lab
- HORT 301/302: Intro to Landscape Plants & Lab
- AGRI 598: Graduate Seminar
- AGRO 110: Plant Science
His research interests include current ongoing research in the Costa Rican cloudforest on a nitrogen fixation in a locally native plant and also research grafting tomatoes in the same region. His graduate students are researching the presence of genetically modified plants in organic foods products, the influence of feeding stocks on bee health and honey production, and investigating statewide farmers markets for food safety.
Martin Stone is the Director of the Baker Arboretum and teaches courses in Local Foods and Landscape Horticulture. He is a community organizer for local foods having co-founded the Community Farmers Market and also sells his family farm’s products. He is contributing editor to the magazine, Kentucky Gardener.
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