University Learning
Welcome to University Learning
University Learning (IDST 199) is a three hour credit course available to first-year,
transfer, and returning adult students. Students representing all levels of academic
success enroll in University Learning and as a result of this course are better prepared
for the rigors of post-secondary academic and social life. IDST 199 will refine students’
skills in critical thinking, reading, study skills, and information literacy. Students
will explore majors and careers, personal development, and campus resources. All students
who have demonstrated college readiness need in reading must pass IDST 199 to satisfy
the college readiness requirement.
Link to college readiness requirements: https://www.wku.edu/getready/course_placement_info.php
University Learning is an excellent way for students to become familiar with campus, including important resources. Through the University Learning course, students are introduced to the library, the Advising and Career Development Center (ACDC), the Writing Center, campus technology, and many other important student services and centers. This course targets incoming first-year students and plays a major role in their first semester success at WKU. Students who successfully complete the University Learning course tend to remain WKU students after their first semester. This is due mostly to faculty and campus connections made through the IDST 199 course.
View All Of The Offered IDST Courses
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