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School of Engineering and Applied Sciences

Master of Science in Engineering Management

Developing Leaders in Engineering Management
WKU's Master of Science in Engineering Management is to designed to create leaders with the skills, knowledge, and vision to manage changing business needs for economic and community development that increases international competitiveness.

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Graduates of Ogden College

Why Engineering Management at WKU?
Our Master of Science in Engineering Management (MSEM) develops leaders to support the needs of the modern worldwide industry. The curriculum enhances both career and personal objectives. Graduates of the program are equipped to manage organization resources, lead technological change, and strategically integrate higher-level knowledge within their companies.

Program & Classes


Student in Machine Stop

"This program has given me opportunities in my career that I would not have otherwise. Thanks for a challenging and beneficial experience."

Travis Mattingly
Application Engineer & Project Manager with Siemens, Inc.



Master of Science
in Engineering Management

Contact Us

Meet Our SEAS Faculty

Greg Arbuckle, PhD
Greg Arbuckle, PhD
- Professor, Engineering Technology Management, Program Coordinator, Manufacturing Engineering Technology, Program Coordinator

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 Last Modified 1/15/25