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Frequently Asked Questions

After logging into TopNet, students will click on the "Student Services" tab. After clicking on this link, students should click on the "Registration" tab followed selecting the "View Advisor Information" tab. This link will provide the advisor's name, phone number, email address, and office location so the student may contact the advisor.

If you believe you have the wrong advisor assigned to you, please contact the Advising and Career Development Center at (270) 745-5065. If you are requesting a change in advisor, please fill out the Change of Major/Minor/Advisor Form available in TopNet.

Changes in majors, certificates, minors, concentrations, and advisors are made upon request by students. Students must submit a Major/Certificate/Minor/Concentration/Advisor Change Form to the academic department that administers the student’s chosen program. This form is available online for students in TopNet, and may be accessed and submitted by following the instructions below:

  • Log into TopNet
  • Go to the "Student Services" tab
  • Click on "Student Records"
  • Click on "Change Major, Certificate, Minor, Concentration, Advisor"
  • Choose your desired major from the Major 1 drop-down menu
  • Choose "Yes, I request an advisor change" from the Advisor 1 drop-down menu
  • Submit your requested changes
  • Confirm your changes
  • Print out the form and bring it to the location indicated at the bottom of the form, or send via email to the department email address indicated on the bottom of the form, for the appropriate signatures. Regional Campus students should bring the form, or send via it email, to their Regional Campus advisor for processing.

Students with approved undergraduate degree programs on file in the Office of the Registrar may change their major(s) and/or minor(s) by filing an approved, revised program or an Undergraduate Degree Program Change Form with the Office of the Registrar. For further assistance, please contact the Advising and Career Development Center at (270) 745-5065.

Generally, the answer is no. There are advisors at Glasgow, Owensboro, and Elizabethtown/Fort Knox locations to work with you on the requirements of general education and majors offered at each of the Regional Campuses. There are Colleges within WKU that will ocassionally send an advisor to the Regional Campuses to advise students for specific programs. For more information on those programs, please contact the main office of the Regional Campus in which you are enrolled. 

Yes. All degree-seeking undergraduate students must meet with an advisor prior to registration for classes until degree completion.


Auditing a class means that you will be required to show up to class, participate, and complete all assignments, but you will not receive credit for the class.

You can sign up to audit a class without special permission prior to the first day of the term. After that time, the instructor must grant permission for you to audit a class by signing a course audit form. You should obtain this form in the Office of the Registrar, complete the form, obtain the instructor's signature, and return the form to the Office of the Registrar prior to the deadline for changing from credit to audit, which is noted in the Academic Calendar in the Registration Guide.


An academic renewal program is available to qualified undergraduate students. Academic renewal prevents the voided coursework from counting toward graduation and the computation of the grade point average; however, the voided coursework will remain a part of the transcript. Qualified undergraduate students must have either at least 60 credit hours (counting hours before and after readmission) or not attended any accredited college or university for at least two previous years. If further courses are required to graduate, students must have a cumulative grade point average, since readmission, of at least 2.0 (with no grade below “D”), computed at the end of the term in which the student completes the lesser of 12 semester hours of courses numbered 100 or above or the number of such hours required to fulfill all other graduation requirements with the exception of GPA.

WKU accepts transfer credit retained through academic renewal at other institutions but will use grades from those courses for the computation of the higher education grade point average.

Students requesting academic renewal are required to complete and submit the “Petition for Academic Renewal” form to their department head or equivalent, indicating whether one semester or all previous coursework is to be voided. The approved form will be sent to the Office of the Registrar for final processing. No student may declare academic renewal more than once.

The student must file a petition to request academic renewal, indicating whether one semester or all previous coursework is to be voided. No student may declare academic renewal more than once. The petition to apply for academic renewal is available on the Office of the Registrar website at http://www.wku.edu/registrar/documents/form_academic_renewal.pdf.

An undergraduate student is permitted to repeat a maximum of six courses. Only two courses in which a grade of “C” or above has been earned may be repeated.
Credit for a course in which a grade of “F” has been received can be earned only by repeating the course in residence unless prior approval is given by the head of the department in which the course was taken. A course in which a grade of “D” has been received may be repeated at another accredited institution.

A course that has been failed cannot be repeated by WKU On Demand (independent learning) without special permission from the department head. A student may not repeat by proficiency testing a course that has been previously taken or failed at WKU or another accredited institution.

If a course is repeated, the higher of the two grades will be counted in computing the grade point average; if the course is repeated a second time, the two higher grades combined will be used in computing the grade point average. The grade received for each attempt will continue to appear on the student’s academic record. A student may attempt a single course no more than three times.
WKU does not guarantee the right to repeat any course. Courses may be deactivated, discontinued, or offered on a different schedule.

The Committee on Credits and Graduation has the responsibility for hearing appeals from students regarding the application of these regulations.
An appeal for special permission to repeat a course in the major or minor beyond the third attempt will be considered only upon the recommendation of the head of the department involved, and then only if special consideration is needed to raise the average in that subject to the minimum required.

Students seeking special consideration to repeat a course beyond the third attempt in the general education requirements and in free electives must first consult with the University Registrar. If, after this conference, an appeal is deemed appropriate, the Committee on Credits and Graduation will consider the student’s request.


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 Last Modified 7/16/24