WKU Regional Campus News
WKU President Caboni Speaks Glasgow-Barren Chamber Coffee & Commerce Sponsored by WKU in Glasgow
- Susan Flanders Esters
- Friday, July 28th, 2023

WKU in Glasgow sponsored the July Barren, Inc/Glasgow-Barren Chamber Coffee & Commerce on Friday, July 28 at Barren River Lake State Resort Park.
During the program, President Timothy Caboni shared highlights from WKU in Glasgow, as well as WKU Main Campus in Bowling Green.
WKU in Glasgow
• This year, WKU in Glasgow celebrated 20 years at 500 Hilltopper Way.
• This fall, 73 rising high school juniors from seven local high schools will participate in Early College at WKU in Glasgow. They will earn 30 hours of college credit during their junior and senior years as they take courses on campus alongside other WKU students. These selected students also reflect the growing diversity of the area. Of the group, 22 (30%) are minority students and 25 (34%) will be the first in their family to attend college.
• This summer, WKU in Glasgow upgraded classroom technologies, added new branding throughout the interior, upgraded the science labs, replaced the air and heat system, and refreshed the Learning Commons.
• Last year, WKU in Glasgow served a total of 735 WKU students through in-person students who attend classes on campus and our WKU Online students who are students in Barren and surrounding counties to the east.
• Students can complete their entire Colonnade curriculum at WKU in Glasgow, and numerous Colonnade courses have been added for the fall 2023 semester.
On the Hill
• WKU has raised over $62 million for the Hilltopper Opportunity Fund and offers 182 endowed scholarships.
• 91% of WKU first-time, first-year students who enrolled at WKU in the fall 2021 semester returned in the spring, increasing retention for this group by 2% over last fall.
• This year, WKU welcomed students to First Year Village, which houses two new residence halls and living learning communities for freshmen.
• WKU opened The Commons, an extraordinary space for the entire campus to gather, eat, learn, and collaborate.
“WKU remains committed to offering four-year degree programs at the WKU in Glasgow campus,” stated Caboni, adding that WKU staff work closely with WKU Admissions to recruit students from the region.
“Students can complete the entirety of their Colonnade curriculum at WKU in Glasgow,” he added, “and, the campus has added numerous Colonnade courses starting in the fall 2023 semester to expand choices for students.”
President Caboni acknowledged three WKU in Glasgow students who were in attendance: Bodie Janes, a rising junior accepted into Early College at WKU in Glasgow who will begin the agriculture track this fall; Cheyenne Bodkin a recent WKU in Glasgow graduate with Autism who graduated summa cum laude – the honorary title given to college students who graduate with highest distinction; and Kaemyn Houchens, a rising WKU senior majoring in Middle Grades Education.
According to Caboni, 50-75% of local high school graduates qualify for federal Pell assistance, and WKU is committed to local high schools and most at-risk students through the region. “The WKU Hilltopper Guarantee promises these students and their families that our university is committed to closing the tuition gap.” Through this program, Pell-eligible first-time, first-year freshmen with at least a 3.0 cumulative unweighted high school GPA will have their tuition 100% covered.
“We have much to celebrate at WKU in Glasgow and many more stories like those of Bodie, Kaemyn and Cheyenne,” he concluded.
“It’s clear that our WKU in Glasgow campus - and its programs, students, faculty, staff, alumni and friends - remain crucial to WKU and to transforming lives. On behalf of all those at WKU, thank you for your continued support, your partnerships and your friendships. Go Tops!”
For information about WKU in Glasgow, The WKU Hilltopper Guarantee, and more, visit wku.edu/glasgow.
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