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Graduate Council Curriculum Committee (GCCC)

As part of the Graduate Council, the Graduate Council Curriculum Committee submits recommendations concerning initiation or revision of graduate courses and programs via the electronic workflow system to full Graduate Council for approval.

It is strongly recommended that a proponent be present at the Graduate Council Curriculum Committee meeting. If there are questions about or amendments to a proposal and no proponent is present, the proposal will be tabled.


How to Submit a New Course/Program OR Review a Course/Program

  1. Program Proposals: https://nextcatalog.wku.edu/programadmin/
    Course Proposals:  https://nextcatalog.wku.edu/courseadmin/
  2. Select Propose a New Course (or Program) OR use the search box to find the course or program you want to revise
  3. Complete required fields (outlined in red)
  4. Save to save and return later; Save and Submit to submit to faculty governance workflow

How to Approve a Proposal (COMMITTEE CHAIRS ONLY)

  1. Approver URL:  https://nextcatalog.wku.edu/courseleaf/approve/
  2. Select "Your Role" from the dropdown list
  3. Select the course or program curriculum proposal (double click)
  4. According to the committee (dis)approval, choose Edit, Rollback, or Approve (Rollbacks require choice of prior workflow step to rollback and committee comments/explanation)

Curriculum Calendars

Academic Quality (AQ) Committee
  • Time: 3:45pm
View Event
Undergraduate Curriculum Committee (UCC) Meeting
  • Location: Zoom
  • Time: 3:45pm
View Event
Faculty Senate Committee Meeting
  • Location: DSU 2081 (Senate Chambers)
  • Time: 3:45pm
View Event

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 Last Modified 8/25/23