Exercise Science Staff

- Pedagogical Assistant Professor/Program Coordinator - Exercise Science
- sarah.herrick@wku.edu
- Smith Stadium East 1060
- 270-745-3394
- Curriculum Vitae
PhD: Springfield College - Springfield, MA
M.S.: Springfield College - Springfield, MA
B.S.: Central Connecticut State University - New Britain, CT
EXS 223: Introduction to Exercise Science
EXS 310: Kinesiology
EXS 313: Motor Learning and Control
Research Assistant, Skidmore College, Saratoga Springs, NY, May 2017-July 2017 Topic: Validation of Stairmill Test for Assessing Aerobic Fitness
Responsibilities: Set up and calibrate BodPod and metabolic cart for data analysis; conduct maximal aerobic fitness tests on a treadmill (VO2max Bruce protocol) and stairmill (New York
State firefighter protocol) on young male and female adults; record data from metabolic system and manage time for each test.
Senior Thesis Advisor, Skidmore College, Saratoga Springs, NY, January 2017-May 2017 Topic: The Effect of Vinyasa Yoga on Quality of Life Assessed Through Psychological and Physiological Stressors in Collegiate Females
Responsibilities: Guided two senior students through their thesis experience; assisted in refining research goals and defining research question; helped to establish research methods in accordance to IRB requirements; guided data collection and data analysis; provided guidance for the cumulating manuscript and oral presentation. The students presented their research at the College’s Academic Festival in May 2017.
Nativity School Nutrition Project Research Assistant, Independence, MO, December 2012 – June 2016
Responsibilities: Reconstructed existing school lunch menus to a low-carbohydrate menu.
Undergraduate Research Advisor, Massachusetts College of Liberal Arts, North Adams, MA, January 2015 – May 2016 Topic: Augmented Reality in the Biology Laboratory
Responsibilities: Advised a single undergraduate student with extracurricular research on the development of a mobile app for biology and anatomy and physiology-based 3D structures. The student presented his research at the College’s Undergraduate Research Conference in April 2015 and the Regional Council of Public Liberal Arts Colleges in October of 2015.
Dissertation Research Assistant, Springfield College, Springfield, MA, November 2013 - January 2014
Topic: The Effects on Self-Myofascial Release on Running Performance.
Responsibilities: Recorded data from metabolic cart during VO2peak and submaximal VO2peak tests, and assisted with set up, calibration, and break down of metabolic system.
Diet and Exercise Study Research Assistant, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN, April 2013 – January 2014
Responsibilities: Processed urine and blood samples, and aliquot samples for distribution to two universities for further analysis.
Thesis Research Assistant, Springfield College, Springfield, MA, April 2013 – November 2013 Topic: The Acute Effects of Whole Body Vibration on Post Resistance Exercise Arterial Stiffness.
Responsibilities: Took blood samples via venipuncture and processed blood for further analysis; executed assay procedures for analysis.
Bone Health Study Research Assistant, Springfield College, Springfield, MA, August 2012 – January 2013
Responsibilities: Executed proper ground-based exercise programs for study participants; evaluated new study participants with anthropometric, biochemical, and performance analysis.
Submitted Manuscripts
Meile, E., Headley, S. A. E., Germain, M., Joubert, J., Herrick, S., Milch, C., Evans, E., Cornelius, A., Brewer, B., Taylor, B., & Wood, R. HDL particle pattern and overall lipid responses to a short term moderate intensity aerobic exercise training intervention in patients with chronic kidney disease. Clinical Kidney Journal. Submitted for publication, December 2016
Abstracts – Oral Presentations
Herrick, S. L., Matthews, T. D., O’Neill, E., & Paolone, V. The effect of oral contraception on the acute expression of strength and power. Presented at the New England ACSM Meeting, November 2013.
Abstracts – Accepted
1. Herrick, S. L., Ives, S. J., Norton, C., Robinson, N., Escudero, D., Robinson, J., Rose, K., Minicucci, O., O’Brien, G., Curran, K., Paul, M., Sheridan, C., & Arciero, P. J. The effect of time of day or training on health and fitness outcomes in exercise-trained men. Accepted to the Annual American College of Sports Medicine Conference, May 2017.
2. Herrick, S. L., Wood, R. J., Matthews, T. D., Paolone, V. J., & Stroiney-Cilley, D. The effect of yoga on inflammation and stress in healthy women. Accepted to the Annual American College of Sports Medicine Conference, May 2016
3. Herrick, S. L., Wood, R. J., Matthews, T. D., Paolone, V. J., & Stroiney-Cilley, D. The effect of yoga on inflammation and stress in healthy women. Accepted to the New England ACSM Conference, November 2014.
4. Heikkinen, D. J., Carmichael, R. D., & Herrick, S. Impact of caffeine ingestion on circulating growth hormone and insulin like growth hormone factor-1 levels during endurance exercise. Accepted to the NSCA National Conference and Exhibition, July 2014.
5. Herrick, S. L., Matthews, T. D., O’Neill, E., & Paolone, V. J. The effect of the menstrual cycle on the acute expression of strength and power on college-aged women using a chemical contraceptive. Accepted to the NSCA National Conference and Exhibition, July 2014.
CrossFit Soulshine, CrossFit L-1 Coach, Saratoga Springs, NY, February 2017 – Present Instruct members on the prescribed workout of the day and bring members through an appropriate dynamic warm up. Classes focus on Olympic lifting, gymnastics, and high-intensity interval circuit training.
Fitness Coach, M.E.L.T. Fitness Studios, Glastonbury, CT, August 2013 – September 2014 Implemented boot camp-style work out programs for large group personal training classes.
Personal Trainer, Big Sky Fitness, New Britain, CT, October 2008 – August 2011 Designed and executed proper exercise programs for clients; performed fitness assessments and provided nutritional guidance for new and continuing clients.
Professional Memberships
American College of Sports Medicine
- Attended the New England Chapter of the ACSM Annual Conference, October2017
- Attended the Annual Meeting of the ACSM, May-June 2017 National Strength and ConditioningAssociation
- Attended and assisted with the planning of the New York State Clinic, October 2017
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