Biology Forms
BIOL 399 Research Problems in Biology 1-3 Hours (repeatable max of 6 hrs)
A study involving a research project under faculty supervision. Note: The course may be repeated with a maximum of (6) (ref. 525)or 3 hours (ref. 617) counted toward the major.
Prerequisite(s): BIOL 120 with a minimum grade of C and BIOL 121 with a minimum grade of C and BIOL 122 with a minimum grade of C and BIOL 123 with a minimum grade of C
BIOL 369 Cooperative Education in Biology 1-3 Hours (repeatable max of 6 hrs)
Practical experience in a supervised, professional work environment in an instructional classroom, business, industry, government agency or laboratory setting.
Prerequisite(s): BIOL 120 with a minimum grade of C and BIOL 121 with a minimum grade of C and BIOL 122 with a minimum grade of C and BIOL 123 with a minimum grade of C
Departmental Exams developed by WKU departmental faculty committee. The credit hours earned through these examinations will count toward graduation, but will not apply to WKU residence credit or be used to compute grade point averages since a letter grade will not be given. Contact biology@wku.edu to see if the course you are seeking can be included.
Welcome Students!
Use the button links to the left to download and fill out forms needed for the Biology Dept. You will need to work with your advisor to know if these classes/forms are right for you. If you have questions regarding a course reach out to the Office Coordinator Jenny Clauson at jenny.clauson@wku.edu.
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