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  • Move to campus early
  • Get a head start on a degree by earning six credit hours
  • Smaller class sizes
  • Experience campus life
  • Meals, events & activities included

The non-refundable application deposit of $25 secures your spot into the program. The deposit will count towards the total cost of Summer Start.

Yes, as a Summer Start participate you have to fill out the 2017-2018 FAFSA and the Fall 2018-2019 FAFSA.nec.

The cost for summer start is $3500 and includes:

For this Summer Start program, all students are encouraged to fill out the 2017-2018 FAFSA. If applicable, financial aid could cover 100% of the costs for Summer Start. Fill out your FAFSA now. For the Fall semester, you will fill out the 2018-2019 FAFSA. 
 Yes, as a Summer Start participate you have to fill out the 2017-2018 FAFSA and the Fall 2018-2019 FAFSA.
Depending on which classes you have already taken, Summer Start is a perfect program for you to continue the head-start on your degree. If you are concerned about the classes you have taken versus the classes offered with Summer Start, please give us a call to discuss at (270) 745-4254. 
 Yes, as long as you are still considered Freshman status, you are eligible. However, financial aid may not be available
  • Move In Day: Saturday, July 7th
  • Classes Start: Monday, July 9th
  • Move Out Day: Thursday, August 9th

*Students participating in M.A.S.T.E.R. Plan will move into their Fall housing assigment on Thursday, August 16th. If you would like to remain in your Summer housing assignment until your Fall housing assignment is ready, an additional week of housing will need to be added through the Housing and Residence Life's office. The rate is $135 for the week. Contact information can be found here.

Students enrolled in Summer Start are able to work. However, we want students to be aware of the time commitment that comes with take 2 condensed university level courses. Students are expected to attend class and in order to succeed in class, students will need to set aside time to study. Please let the Summer Start team know if you are planning on working throughout the program because we do not want our students to miss out on any fun-datory events.

For information regarding student employment in the Fall visit; wku.edu/studentemployment/index.php .

For information regarding WKU Learn and Earn; wku.edu/learnandearn .

Classes meet Monday through Friday 9:30 a.m. to 2:40 p.m. with a lunch break in between morning and afternoon classes. Activities and programming will be scheduled during some lunch breaks, evenings, and weekends.
Summer Start students are encouraged to attend all social activities. At each event, students will check in with their Big Red ID, your attendance will qualify you for the Fall Book Scholarship.
Information coming soon.


Have more questions? Contact us today 

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 Last Modified 5/26/22