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Senate Committees

According to the WKU SGA Constitution, Senate Committees are the “legislative vehicles for the Senate.” This means that most of the legislation presented before the Student Senate emerged from a committee that had deliberated over its contents. All SGA senators are required to serve on at least one committee, but committee membership is not limited to senators. While committee chair positions are reserved for senators, any WKU student can be a part of a committee and participate in the committee’s activities and discussions. 

Below is a list of all WKU SGA Senate committees. Feel free to attend any committee meeting at their designated meeting times to work with senators on potential legislation or to bring forth any problems that you think a particular committee would be best-equipped to handle.

You can also click here to fill out a Committee Interest Form!

The Legislative Operations Committee -

As a member of the Legislative Operations Committee, your responsibility is to be the first person to review any form of legislation; bills, and resolutions. Once the committee receives the legislation, the members will collectively read the legislation over and make sure the bill/resolution is adequately researched. In concurrence, the committee also makes sure that the proposed piece of legislation does not conflict with the current Constitution. 

Committee Chair: Hannah Evans

Meeting Time: Wednesdays @ 5:30 PM

Caden Lucas
Vice Chair
Kaison Barton


The Enrollment and Student Experience Committee -

Serves the student body on all academic and non-academic affairs performs duties as delegated by Senate or the consensus of the Executive Cabinet. 

Committee Chair: Savanna Kurtz

Meeting Time: Tuesdays after SGA meeting

Gabe Jerdon
Vice Chair
Chloe Ralston


The Outreach and Public Relations Committee -

Provides publicity for all WKU SGA meetings, activities, and programs; assists all WKU SGA committees concerning public relations; assists the Director of Public Relations in maintaining the communication channels with the media; works to foster connections between WKU SGA and all RSO’s; and performs duties as delegated by Senate or the consensus of the Executive Cabinet.

Committee Chair: Ryan Dilts

Meeting Time: Tuesdays after SGA meeting

Jax Price
Vice Chair
Hadley Whipple


The Community Relations Committee -

Advocates for students' needs in Bowling Green, and encourages and facilitates volunteer service to Bowling Green when the need arises. The committee actively looks for ways to better the lives of students and helps foster a meaningful relationship with Bowling Green community leaders.

Committee Chair: Annie Finch

Meeting Time: Tuesdays after SGA meeting

Guan Zhou Sim
Vice Chair
Bradley Wagoner


The Campus Improvements and Sustainability Committee -

Serves the student body by initiating and continuing programs to improve the physical evolution of the WKU campus. Committee members work to promote sustainable practices among the students of WKU as the matter of institutional sustainability becomes increasingly important.

Committee Chair: Rush Robinson

Meeting Time: Tuesdays @ 4:00 PM

Julia Duggins
Vice Chair
Ella Wooton
Connor Flatt
Committee Member


The Committee for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

The SGA Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion committee aims to create a campus that is safe, accessible, and inclusive for all students, including but not limited to racial and ethnic minorities, LGBTQ students, and the disabled community at WKU. The committee seeks to create not just coexistence, but engagement and interaction between all of WKU’s communities.

Committee Chair: Megan Farmer

Meeting Time: Tuedays @ 4:00 PM

Van Zing
Vice Chair


The  Student Mental Health and Wellbeing Committee

The Student Mental Health and Wellbeing Committee works to promote, encourage, and support healthy living across Western Kentucky University. The committee focuses on mental health awareness, sexual assault and domestic violence prevention, and physical wellness. The committee serves to destigmatize these issues, and to create easy access to resources provided by the University. The goal of the committee is to create a culture of wellness across campus.

Committee Chair: Sophia Bryant

Meeting Time: Mondays @ 5:30 PM

John King
Vice Chair
Jenna Wells




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 Last Modified 9/12/24