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Housing & Residence Life

Wednesday, February 8th, 2012
Wednesday, February 8th
  • Location: Gilbert Hall Lobby
  • Time: 8:00am

Any relationship should have trust, patience, understanding and communication.  Do you want to make sure your relationship is/stays strong?  Come to “Don’t Assume They Know, Make Sure They Know” February 8th, 2012 at 7pm.

  • Location: Meet in PFT
  • Time: 6:30pm

Get fit with 22! Get into shape with the 22nd floor of PFT. Meet in the lobby of PFT on February 8th at 6:30PM to go to Preston to work out as a group.

  • Location: 4th Floor Elevator Area
  • Time: 7:00pm

Come to the 4th floor of Bemis to listen to your RAs talk about their jobs.  Interested in applying?  Be ready to ask questions about the hiring process on Wednesday February, 8 at 7:00pm.

  • Location: 18th Floor of PFT
  • Time: 7:00pm

TV shows, Movies and Songs glorify it. But they don’t show the repercussions of it. Come out and eat some brownies and get the real facts February 8th at 7:00pm on the 18th floor of PFT.

  • Location: 3rd Floor Elevator Lobby Area
  • Time: 7:30pm

Bring your confidence!  Do I look fat in these jeans?  Every girl has body issues…but banish those thoughts by coming to the 3rd floor lobby at 7:30pm on February 8th.  Hear from other girls and learn how to be the amazing person you are.

  • Location: Barnes Campbell Lobby
  • Time: 8:00pm

Not enough hours in the day? Overly stressed? Attend JUMP START at Barnes Campbell Hall to seek remedies to your overly stressed life and start this semester Strong!

  • Location: 2nd Floor Study Lounge
  • Time: 8:30pm

Come join the 2nd and 3rd floors as they make Valentine ’s Day cards for one another over some yummy holiday themed snacks.

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 Last Modified 12/6/18