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The WKU Graduate Council

The Graduate Council  submits recommendations concerning initiation or revision of graduate courses and programs through the University Senate to the Provost. The Council is composed of three graduate faculty members and one student member from each of the six academic colleges and the Dean of the Graduate School (non-voting member) for a total of twenty-five members. Faculty members are elected annually by the graduate faculty in each college. 

Proposal Forms (Obsolete - please refer
to the electronic system on the
Graduate Council Curriculum page)

Upcoming Meetings




8/15/24 Agenda Minutes
9/12/24 Agenda Minutes
10/10/24 Agenda Minutes
11/14/24 Agenda Minutes
Agenda Minutes
1/16/25 Agenda Minutes
2/13/25 Agenda Minutes
Agenda Minutes
4/10/25 Agenda Minutes
  • Meetings are recorded and held in person in WAB 227.
  • Agenda's for upcoming meetings will be distributed at least three business days prior to monthly meetings” as directed by the new GC Guidelines.

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 Last Modified 9/10/24