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Graduate Studies - Faculty/Staff FAQ

An overview and instructions on how to use eSignature Forms for admission decisions can be found here.
For information on signing forms electronically, please see these instructions. For admission decisions, you should view this page.
The list to whom documents should be sent can be found here.

You can check what forms are on file in the Graduate School through your TopNet account.

  1. Log on to TopNet.
  2. Select "Advisors and Student Data Inquiry" on the Student Services tab. 
  3. Click "View General Student Information" and select the term and the advisee. 
  4. The forms currently have on file with us will be found in the "Graduation Status" section.

While the staff in Graduate Studies automatically puts probation holds on students that meet probation criteria, an advisor is responsible for removing the hold after he or she has met with the advisee. These holds can be removed in TopNet.  After logging into TopNet, select the "Advisors & Student Data Inquiry" tab and click "Update Student Hold Flags." To release the probation hold, click on "Not Advised" and switch the status to "Advised." After this is complete, press "Submit Changes".

When sending eSignatures, you will need to ensure that you send the eSignature from the eSignature form itself. Do not forward them by clicking "Forward" in your email client. (If you do this, the individual receiving the form will not be able to open it, but if you send it from the eSignature, they will be able to see it.) You may also check the status of where an eSignature form is by  looking at the Audit Trail/Review Verification found at the bottom of the form. 

Graduate Studies does not register for students for courses. If a student cannot self-register, you should contact your office associate to allow the student to register for a closed or restricted course. If a student has holds on his or her account, these holds must be taken care of before any registration can occur. 

Please see the Graduate Faculty page for details about membership requirements and the application.

A complete listing of Graduate Faculty members and appointment dates can be found here.



Some of the links on this page may require additional software to view.

 Last Modified 9/13/24