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The Center for Innovative Teaching & Learning

Our Mission

The Center for Innovative Teaching and Learning (CITL) supports the teaching and learning mission of the university. CITL collaborates with faculty to design content and courses that promote an active learning environment for students enrolled in traditional face-to-face instruction, flipped classrooms, blended/hybrid courses, and online courses and degree programs. CITL identifies current and emerging instructional technologies and works with faculty and staff to incorporate these tools and innovations into curricular and co-curricular activities to promote student learning and engagement. CITL also offers an array of professional development opportunities for the university community centered on teaching effectiveness, student learning and engagement, and the use and assessment of high impact practices. These training opportunities are delivered via professional learning communities, seminars, webinars, workshops, and more personalized training events for departments and units.

Specifically, the CITL administers/facilitates the following professional development opportunities for faculty, staff, and graduate students:

  • One-on-one course and lesson design support for faculty teaching in face-to-face, online, hybrid/blended, and flipped modalities
  • Professional Learning Communities, focusing on topics such as Classroom Instruction, Online Teaching, and Active & Applied Learning
  • Workshops/Seminars/Webinars focused on a variety of topics related to teaching and learning; additional workshops/seminars offered in partnership with other units on campus, including Office of Student Conduct and the Counseling and Testing Center
  • Graduate Assistant Teaching Institute (GATI) (offered in the fall and spring semesters)
  • Part-time Faculty Teaching Institute (offered online in the summer months)
  • Implementation of high-impact practices with fidelity and inclusive excellence
  • Online Teaching Certificate (OTC) Program
  • Identifying and supporting the use of new and innovative technologies which can create interactive and engaging environments for students
  • Personalized training for departments and units centered on teaching effectiveness, technological and course-based innovations, high-impact practices, and active and applied learning.


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 Last Modified 9/9/24