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Field Instructor's Toolbox

Welcome to the Field Instructor Toolbox! Please scroll through the content below for a variety of information useful to your role in supervising a student during their field placement.


The following topics can be found on this page:

  • Becoming a field instructor (forms for agency and field instructor)
  • Field Manuals (both BSW and MSW)
  • Field Forms (including learning plans, field syllabi)
  • Helpful Links
  • Trainings (some trainings are eligible for free CEUs!)
  • Helpful Resources

Becoming a Field Instructor

Field Forms

Click the BSW or MSW link below for current field manuals, learning plan evaluation forms, and field syllabi.

BSW Student Field Paperwork

MSW Student Field Paperwork

Helpful Links


Please read the information below about the online trainings now available to field instructors. Some trainings include the option to receive CEU credit. We are currently developing additional training videos to post here for field instructors. Feel free to contact Dr. Dana Sullivan if you have ideas/suggestions that would be helpful for field students.

This one-hour training is broken down into 3 modules and 2 articles. The information in each module are the “nuts and bolts,” or basics, of serving as a field instructor. This training is designed for new field instructors as well as a refresher for experienced field instructors. 1.0 CEU hour is available for this training.

Watch videos and read the two articles:

This online training is intended for new and experienced field instructors. It maps the path to helping your student make the connection between being a student and becoming a professional social worker. Included in this training are video skits of two different student field experiences, a portion asking field instructors to respond to questions,and provision of suggestions and tips. 1.5 CEU hours are available for this training.

Watch the training video here.

Please note the only sound in the training is during the video segments where there is a button to push "play."

As a new or experienced field instructor, social workers often report to us that they would like more training on providing supervision around the core competencies in the student's learning plan. In this online training, we have prepared several video vignettes that demonstrate how to provide supervision around each of the social work core competencies. 2.0 CEU hours are available for watching all 9 videos.

Please click on each of the links to see examples of providing supervision around each competency.

If you are unable to view the videos, please try opening them in another browser - Chrome, Internet Explorer, or Firefox

For CEU credit, email dana.sullivan@wku.edu with the following information:

  • Name
  • Name of the training
  • Number of CEUs for this training
  • Email address
  • Social work license number
  • Date training completed

Dr. Dana Sullivan will send you an evaluation form to complete and return for CEU credit. Check out our CEU website for more information about upcoming CEU trainings. 

Other Resources

Questions? Contact:


Allison Gibson
BSW Field Director
Office: Academic Complex 113B
Phone: 270-745-8811
Email: allison.gibson@wku.edu

Dr. Shannon Sales
MSW Field Director
Office: Academic Complex 111B
Phone: 270-745-4263
Email: shannon.sales@wku.edu





Some of the links on this page may require additional software to view.

 Last Modified 9/5/24