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WKU Sisterhood Spotlight: Janet Johnson ('93)

Janet Johnson ('93)

Hometown: Hendersonville, TN

Current City: Old Hickory, TN

When did you attend WKU: 1987-1992 

What activities were you involved in as a student?: Kappa Delta Sorority and Public Relations Student Society of America  

Do you have a favorite memory from the Hill?: Homecoming week: many students gathered at the outdoor amphitheater and Carrot Top (famous comedian and actor) put on a show. He had red curly hair and came out with pigtails and looked just like the girl on the Wendy's hamburger logo! 

If you work, what do you do?: Health & Life Insurance Agent 

Tell us about your family?: I met my husband Scott at WKU during Greek Week. His fraternity was putting on a skit from Little Shop of Horrors at Van Meter during Spring Sing, and I thought he was cute and one of my sorority sisters introduced us. Scott is a trainer for FedEx Ground.  We have a 26-year-old son, Hunter, who graduated from MTSU as an Aerospace major and is currently working for a company using his drone pilot license. Our daughter, Haleigh, is 24 years old and graduated from the University of Memphis with BFA in Musical Theatre. She is currently working at the Country Music Hall of Fame and RCA Studio B and continues her acting career as well. 

Do you have any passion projects, other than WKU Sisterhood?: I am a board member for Nashville Women in Film & TV, which is a nonprofit organization serving women and men in the film industry. I am also a board member for Nashville Kappa Delta Alumnae Chapter, which enables alums to continue the sorority’s national philanthropies through local outreach programs.   

Fun fact about yourself?: I am a certified Miss America judge. (I have only judged local prelims in the state of TN).

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 Last Modified 4/16/24