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The iMedia Certificate

First, what is iMedia? We define iMedia as enhanced storytelling.Technology hasn't changed the need for a compelling story. The story should be written well and properly sourced to be credible as has always been the case. But, digital tools offer new ways to tell a story and the Web provides a distribution network unmatched by any conventional medium. Digital content delivered 24/7 to consumers on the computer, TV, cellphone or other mobile media is the future.

Taking journalism to the Web is what iMedia is all about. The new certificate represents a collaborate effort on the part of all the programs in the School of Journalism & Broadcasting at WKU. Applications are available in MMTH 216.

Certificate in iMedia

The iMedia certificate (reference number 1702) requires 21 semester hours and prepares School of Journalism & Broadcasting students for the future of news reporting, digital/multimedia story creation, and web distribution. The certificate responds to current and projected trends in newsgathering and distribution techniques where news organization are working collaboratively to deliver news and/or information when, where and how the consumer dictates.

Certification participants will be chosen based on SJ&B minimum 3.0 G.P.A. in the major, overall WKU G.P.A. of 2.5, an interview and presentation of a portfolio, and a written letter of intent to complete the program. Students must be admitted to one of six majors within the School of Journalism & Broadcasting to apply for participation.


The certificate requires:

Core courses (6 hours)

JOUR 232 Electronic Technologies for Journalism or SJB 102 Media Collaboration or equivalent

JOUR/SJB 495 Collaborative Journalism

Restricted elective categories (15 hours)

At least one course from each restricted elective category, plus one additional course outside the participant’s major from the list below.

  • Advertising (3-6 hours ): AD 240, 348
  • Broadcasting (3-6 hours): BCOM 264, 261, 366, 368
  • Journalism: (3-6 hours): JOUR 202, 302, 323
  • Photojournalism: (3-6 hours): PJ 131, 261
  • Public Relations (3-6 hours ): PR 355, 358

The iMedia certificate is limited to students enrolled in a major within the School of Journalism & Broadcasting. Students interested in pursuing the iMedia certificate should first speak with their advisor. A written application and a portfolio review is required for consideration. For more information about the cost of the program, average time to complete the program, and other important information, please visit this website.



The School of Media & Communication at WKU is ACEJMC accredited for majors in Broadcasting, Journalism and Visual Journalism & Photography.



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 Last Modified 9/23/19