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Student Internships/Jobs/Fellowships


All students are encouraged strongly to obtain internships, primarily during the summer, because they provide invaluable professional experience. Many students have one or more internships before graduation. Almost all students seeking internships in their respective fields are able to obtain employment. Only students majoring in advertising, broadcasting, journalism and public relations may take internships for credit in their majors.

There are many internships available to all students both for credit and not for credit.

Students should check with the program coordinator for current internship opportunities.


American Society of Newspaper Editors 

News Leaders Association


Academy of Television Arts and Sciences

Emmy Foundation


The Seattle Times Newsroom Summer Internships


The Seattle Times offers paid summer internships to outstanding students pursuing a career in journalism. For 10 weeks, interns work on varied assignments and attend weekly training sessions with members of a Pulitzer Prize-winning staff. Interns receive a skill-development plan and work with a staff mentor to achieve it. 

Internships are open to sophomores, juniors, seniors and graduate students attending a four-year college or university.


Kentucky Press Association

Kentucky Press

Each summer, the Kentucky Press Association/Kentucky Journalism Foundation and the KPA Associates Division place a minimum of 24 college students in internship positions with newspapers and Associates members.

Students must either be a graduate of a Kentucky high school (if attending college out of state) or a student at a Kentucky college or university. They must have completed the freshman year. There is no stipulation on a specific major or career direction for students to qualify. Students apply to KPA and then host newspapers and companies interview students and select their intern.


National Public Radio

NPR Internships

NPR offers internships at its national headquarters in Washington, DC and at the NPR West office in Culver City, CA.


Minority Internships Offered by the Media

Emma L. Bowen Foundation

The Emma L. Bowen Foundation offers paid internships in the media industry for college-aged students of color. Opportunities are available for all functions & departments in media companies for high school seniors and college students of color.

Emma Bowen Foundation


Dow Jones Newspaper Fund Business Reporting Program

Up to 12 summer internships will be offered to college minority sophomores and juniors to work as business reporters at daily newspapers. All interns attend a one week pre-internship training program (paid for by the Newspaper Fund and participating newspapers) before beginning their internships. Interns are paid regular wages by the newspapers where they work. Interns returning to school will receive $1,000 scholarships.

Dow Jones News Fund


National Association of Black Journalists Summer Journalism Internships

Minority undergraduate sophomores and juniors enrolled in an accredited four year college or university who are majoring in journalism or planning a career in the field are eligible to apply. Paid internships are 10 weeks during the summer at newspapers, magazines, and radio and television stations.



The Oregonian Minority Internship Program

Minority journalists with a commitment to a career in newspaper journalism are eligible for this two-year internship that combines practical experience with professional mentoring in specialized areas. Midway through the second year, interns may apply for any staff openings available at The Oregonian.



Philadelphia Daily News Internships

Open to minority college students with good academic records and same journalistic experience. Interns work during the summer as artists, copy editors in news or sports or as reporters in news, sports, features or business.

Philadelphia Inquirer


Society of Environmental Journalists Fellowship Program for Journalists of Color

These travel fellowships for working journalists will underwrite airfare, shared lodging and registration to SEJ's national conference. Application deadline is mid July, 1998 for the 1998 conference in Chattanooga, Tenn.



Charles M. Anderson Public Broadcasting Fellowship in radio news & television production

Fellows will gain an in-depth exposure to the professional environment of Western's Public Broadcasting, working side-by-side with some of the best broadcast professionals in the nation.

Fellows will be enrolled in BCOM 491 Internship in Broadcasting: a 3 credit hour course. The Fellowship will pay for the tuition for the course (in-state rate) and pay an hourly rate per hour for the 240 hours of work necessary to meet the course requirements, plus a cash stipend.  Applications will be available in the School of Media main office JRH 216 or visit our Scholarships & Grants page for more information.

Eligibility requirements: Minimum GPA - 3.2, 18 hours completed in their major in the School of Journalism & Broadcasting, Current resume, An application narrative, A portfolio submission, 3 letters of recommendation, Practical exam of demonstrated professional skills, FAFSA on file at WKU.

Scholarships & Grants


Job Websites:



The School of Media & Communication at WKU is ACEJMC accredited for majors in Broadcasting, Journalism and Visual Journalism & Photography.



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 Last Modified 8/26/21