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Faculty Pool Project

For your reference, the actual procedure for upgrading Faculty Pool machines may be found under the Policies menu above. There are however, some preliminary steps leading to the distribution of new faculty machines of which you should also be aware.


Annual Inventory

Each spring, Academic Affairs creates a list of all full time permanent faculty members to Technical Support Services. This list is then used to gather an inventory of the computers currently assigned to these faculty members. The inventory of these computers is currently conducted by an onsite visit to gather the appropriate information for each computer. The Deans of all colleges, and the dean’s elected representatives are notified in advance before the inventory process is conducted. Finally, if there are problems locating certain computers, the faculty members are contacted directly.


Recommended Replacement List

Based upon the submitted inventory, Technical Support Services sends the Dean of each college a recommendation of which machines need to be replaced for full-time permanent faculty members. The Deans, or their assigned representatives, are then responsible for working with each department head to make any changes to the list they feel are necessary. The Dean’s office then notes the machine preference for each replacement, as well as the account to which additional fees for Macs and laptops should be charged. During this process, existing machines are sometimes reallocated in order to accommodate the highest possible number of people. After all changes are made to the list, the Dean or college representative returns a signed statement of approval to Technical Support Services verifying that the list represents the final allocation of computers for full-time permanent faculty in their College. This allocation list is then used to create the final delivery and installation schedule for computers in all departments. Any changes to the final allocation list must be approved by the college Dean and Technical Support Services prior to system delivery.


System Reallocation

As new systems are installed, older machines that are not reallocated are reclaimed and placed into storage. After all of the Faculty Pool machines are installed for the year, Technical Support Services sorts through the reclaims, re-formats the hard drives, and determines which computers are still suitable for use. 


If you have any questions, please contact the ITS Service Desk.



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 Last Modified 8/5/24