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The Gatton Academy's Staff

Mrs. Jodi Dosier
Mrs. Jodi Dosier
- Regional Admissions Counselor

Jodi Dosier is the regional admissions counselor for Northern and Eastern Kentucky. She spends her work days traveling the state speaking to administrators, students, and parents about Gatton. She has an extensive background in education and is a 2019 Gatton alumni parent.

 She earned her bachelor’s degree from Bowling Green State University and has worked in the Kenton County School District for 18 years. Jodi has also serves on the Gatton Academy Parents Board and regularly attends Gatton events in Bowling Green and around the state.  

Jodi is a Michigan native, but has lived in the Bluegrass State since 1990. She enjoys travel, literature, and baking. She is passionate about gifted and talented programs as well as public education. She is married with two children. Her husband, Randy, is a pilot. Their son Caden, a 2019 Gatton alumni, has recently graduated from Purdue University and commissioned as an officer in the Navy. Their daughter, McKenna, lives in Illinois and works in agriculture advertising.

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 Last Modified 1/25/21