Jay Miller awarded CHHS Alumni Achievement Award
- Monday, December 5th, 2022

The WKU College of Health and Human Services (CHHS) recognized three alumni for their achievements with the first annual CHHS Alumni Achievement Award.
One of the recipients, Dr. Justin “Jay” Miller, graduated with a bachelor's degree in social work from WKU, then went on to Spalding University for his master's degree in social work, followed by a doctoral degree in social work from the University of Louisville. He currently serves as Dean at the University of Kentucky College of Social Work since being appointed May 2019. He has spent years researching how to best change the child welfare system, and he has focused his research on areas ranging from child welfare, youth involvement in juvenile justice systems, and organizational wellness/self-care. Miller has a substantial history of research dissemination related to these areas including papers, books, presentation, and lectures.
Miller is a strong foster care advocate and serves as president of Foster Care Alumni of America as well as serving as chairperson of the Kentucky Board of Social Work. Other service activities include leading Kentucky’s Children Justice Act Taskforce, Citizen’s Review Panel, and the Juvenile Justice Advisory Board to name a few. In the past he has earned recognition at CHHS when inducted into the Hall of Fame in 2014, and he has also received recognition as the 2019 Children’s Bureau Champion Award.
Miller shared, “I am very humbled to receive the College of Health and Human Services Alumni Achievement Award. While studying Social Work at CHHS, I was able to interact with faculty, staff, and students who were extremely caring and supportive – both personally and academically. This recognition is a testament to that support. Needless to say, I am now – and will forever be - extremely grateful for my time on the Hill.”
The recipients of these awards were nominated based on the following criteria: A graduate of CHHS who has made outstanding achievement in one or more of the following areas: 1) professional accomplishments related to our CHHS mission, 2) demonstrated leadership within a workplace, organization, or professional association, 3) unique and substantial public service or community-engagement, and/or 4) career success and efforts which merit recognition and reflect positively on CHHS and Western Kentucky University.
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