Potter College News
5th Annual English Majors Convocation
- Adam Woodard
- Thursday, September 9th, 2021

Adam Woodard
Mary Montenegro
September 8, 2021
If you’re looking for a fun activity Friday afternoon, head over to the multipurpose room in WKU’s Honors College. That’s where the English Department will be holding their 5th Annual English Majors Convocation. The convocation starts at 3 PM, September 10th and is a great way to meet other English majors and others who are interested in what the English Department has to offer. Be on the lookout as you approach the Honors college. You’ll know you’re in the right place before you enter the building. Since this year’s Convocation was too big to for the multipurpose room to contain, there will tables on the lawn as well!
This year’s English Major Convocation will differ from previous Convocations because it will be interactive. According to Dr. Alison Langdon, Department Head of English, “Previous Convocations were stationary events with brief speeches from speakers while everyone sat around listening. This year, we wanted to encourage participation by allowing everyone to move around, allowing circulation for the event.” How will this year’s English Majors Convocation be interactive? With a scavenger hunt, of course!
Each attendee will be given a sheet of paper (like a bingo card) with squares containing the names of objects found on tables scattered over the Honors College multipurpose room and lawn. These tables will be helmed by English Department ambassadors. Each ambassador will cover a different English Department related topic. These topics include English Department concentrations, majors, minors, scholarships, upcoming events, internships, and more. Attendees are encouraged to find the ambassador that correlates to the name on their card so that the ambassador can mark the correlating item off their scavenger hunt.
Once each item on the scavenger hunt has been collected, the attendee will win an individually wrapped gourmet cookie from Baked! Baked is a gourmet cookie shop located at 825 College Street on the square here in Bowling Green! As a bonus, Baked is owned by WKU Alumni Jeff Townsend. Not only will attendees get a delicious, gourmet cookie, there will also be various door prizes for those who attend.
The English Major Convocation isn’t just about cookies and door prizes, however. According to Dr. Langdon, “The Convocation is a way to introduce and celebrate the English Department to those who are new to WKU or considering an English Major.” The intent of the Convocation is to bring new English majors together with experienced English majors and department faculty. It’s a way to build and enforce a sense of community in the English Department. For those who are considering an English major or minor, the English Majors Convocation is a way to introduce different English Department classes, majors, and minors.
Dr. Langdon looks at the English Majors Convocation as a way to expand the English Department’s range. She points out that the department has grown and now includes programs such as Gender and Women’s Studies. “For English majors, the Convocation is a great way to figure out who you are going to spend the next four years of your life with,” Dr. Langdon continues, “You have the opportunity to learn who your professors are not just as teachers, but as people. For those who aren’t English majors, the Convocation is a great way to learn about the English Department and decide if it’s right for you.”
According to Dr. Langdon, the most important reason to come to the 5th Annual English Majors Convocation has nothing to do with majors or minors, however. “It’s a great way to relax on a Friday afternoon and have fun!”
Masks will be required both indoors and outside during the Convocation to keep everyone safe and comfortable.
For more information, please contact english.office@wku.edu or call 270-745-3043.
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