Potter College News
English M.A. Student and EST Student Host Research & Writing Conference at BGHS
- Christina West
- Thursday, March 10th, 2022

On Monday, March 7, Kristen Tinch, English M.A. student at WKU and teacher at Bowling Green High School, organized a Research and Writing Conference with the help of Bailey Alexander, a student teacher and English for Secondary Teachers major.
Tinch used a community literacy grant to host the conference for BGHS seniors. She was inspired by the WKU Undergraduate Conference on Literature, Language, and Culture, wherein students have an opportunity to present their analytical essays.
The presentations took place in sessions, with topics ranging from literature to science to gender. Students were able to channel their interests from classes to create the presentations in front of family, guests, and scholarship sponsors from ELPO Law.
“My students have written some incredible works of analysis and research this year, and I hate the idea of their work just sort of dying after I grade it,” said Tinch. “This is an opportunity for them to boost their scholarly resumes before entering college and to share their learning with the community that has been investing in them for the last 13 years of their education.”
When asked what she hopes the high school seniors get out of the conference, Tinch said, “I hope my students will continue thinking critically, writing, and researching throughout their lives. This is obviously essential for success as university students but also to be a good citizen and a thoughtful human.”
Alexander was happy to co-organize the event. As someone who has participated in the Undergraduate Conference, she felt the experience was beneficial for building confidence and believes high school students can achieve those benefits as well. “It's been very fulfilling to see the future generation speak about things that they're really passionate about,” Alexander stated.
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