Omni CMS News
Template Upgrade
- Webmasters
- Friday, January 20th, 2012
On Wednesday, January 25th, we will be upgrading OU Campus templates. This upgrade may have a small impact on the display of your pages, but most people should not notice a difference. Your individual pages will not be upgraded until they are each republished. After the upgrade, it is recommended that you check each page both in preview before publishing and the live version after publishing.
The following is a list of features in the new templates
- Use of HTML5 - be aware that not all browsers support all HTML5 features
- Blank tags will no longer be self-closed causing the dreaded tan page many of you have run into.
- You can now use a header.txt file in your site to add code to the <head> of your page. Contact IT if you would like to do this and we'll get you started.
- The add-on pages (Staff, Calendar, and News) now have a print stylesheet associated with them
If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, please contact
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