Facebook Pixel Introductory Session for the Black, Indigenous, People of Color (BIPOC) Healing Circle | Western Kentucky University

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Introductory Session for the Black, Indigenous, People of Color (BIPOC) Healing Circle
  • Date: Thursday, February 17th, 20222022-02-17
  • Time: 3:00pm
  • Location: ZoomZoom
This is an introductory session for students of color, who are curious about the "BIPOC Healing Circle" offered at the Counseling Center, to find out what happens in the group, how they feel to be part of it, and decide if they want to attend 4 more sessions to be scheduled this semester for ongoing support and continued self-reflections and dialogues. For more information, please email Dr. Masami Matsuyuki (masami.matsuyuki@wku.edu).

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Contact: Dr. Masami Matsuyuki, masami.matsuyuki@wku.edu

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 Last Modified 8/1/24