WKU News
Moon Landing Celebration: Trivia contest
- Hardin Planetarium
- Thursday, July 18th, 2019

How well do you know your Apollo 11 trivia? Join the Moon Landing Trivia Contest!
Come to Kelly Thompson Hall, room 2038, on the campus of WKU this Saturday (July 20). Your family and friends can see who can take home the bragging rights in this trivia challenge which starts at 5:45 p.m.
As part of the celebration of the 50th anniversary of the first Moon landing, the trivia contest will determine who has the deepest knowledge of the events of and details surrounding the Apollo 11 mission. Through five rounds of questions, participants will gauge their own knowledge level, learn about this important milestone in history, compete for pride, and most importantly have fun!
The entire Moon Landing Celebration, including the trivia contest, is open and free to all, and nearby parking is free as well.
Visit www.wku.edu/go/moonlanding to find out about the schedule of all of this day’s exciting activities.
Contact: Nathan.Digges-Elliott, Nathan.Digges-Elliott@wku.edu or (270) 745-3157
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