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2017 TAG Fall Conference







The Association for the Gifted (TAG)
invites you to  


Hosted by The Center for Gifted Studies at WKU

Friday, October 13th, 2017
Bowling Green, Kentucky   

More than a dozen national experts in gifted education will explore issues critical to underrepresented populations. 

Why attend? 

  • Build your knowledge base

  • Learn strategies

  • Grow your professional network

  • Expand your resources

  • Sharpen your skills

  • Receive a discount on CEC membership

  • Take part in a drawing for a complimentary CEC 

EILA credit available

Serving Traditionally Under-Challenged Students through a Growth Mindset with New York Times best-selling author Mary Cay Ricci

Session Descriptions:

Differentiation Strategies for Diverse Classrooms of Learners – Wendy Behrens and Christine Weber
With the diverse nature of today’s classrooms, how can we provide challenging curriculum for all learners, especially those who are gifted and from under-represented populations? This session focuses on the use of case studies to identify and analyze the unique needs of underserved populations of gifted and talented students. Participants will explore various differentiation strategies that can be used to engage all of their students in the learning process.

Gifted Stakeholders Professional Development Interventions Concerning Norms and Realities of the Urban Whole Child in Under-Served Populations – Ken Dickson
Urban under-served learners’ diverse needs are invisible, overlooked, and misunderstood. The norms and realities associated with their giftedness require different identification approaches. This session will examine prevailing norms and realities, including school norms and realities that serve to exclude urban under-served learners from gifted programs. Suggestions to reduce the impact of negative perceptions of urban under-served learners’ norms and realities will be explored, so student access to gifted programs can be maximized.

Increasing Opportunities for Innovation and Creativity for Diverse Learners: Engineering Across the Curriculum – Debbie Dailey
To increase opportunities for innovation and creativity in STEM subjects, curriculum for advanced learners should promote understanding of content and concepts through active engagement in problem solving. This is equally beneficial for advanced learners from low socioeconomic and diverse backgrounds. Participants will actively engage in science and engineering practices as they work to develop solutions to real-world problems; participants will explore ways to integrate engineering design into their science lessons while addressing math and literacy standards.

Making Diversity a Priority! Ensuring the representation of English Language Learners in your Gifted Program – Javetta Jones Roberson
English Language learners are increasing in population in school districts across the US. Come to this session to learn strategies and skills in serving, identifying, and retaining this dynamic population. Learn strategies to build a more diverse gifted population on campus and within the district, best teaching practices for this demographic, and ways to develop parental support in order to give these students opportunities to flourish.

Reducing the Excellence Gap – Julia Link Roberts
The low percentage of students achieving at advanced levels is alarming. It is especially low for children from lower income families, those who are African American and Hispanic, and those who are English Language Learners. This session will highlight strategies to engage more students to achieve at advanced levels. Remember, doing so creates a brighter future for our students and for our communities.

Serving Traditionally Under-Challenged Students through a Growth Mindset – Mary Cay Ricci
Participants will discuss the importance of a growth mindset so that equitable access exists for our underserved and under challenged students. Focus will be on both educator and student in this interactive session. Concepts will include differentiation, deliberate cultivation of non-cognitive skills, advocacy, and more.

Theory to Practice: Classroom Strategies to Support Gifted Students with ADHD – Debbie Troxclair
This presentation integrates theory with practice to enable educators to help gifted learners with ADHD succeed. Teachers will learn how to address the strengths and weaknesses of both giftedness and ADHD. In an interactive lecture, participants will learn to apply presented strategies to create their own GT/ADHD toolkit, acquire a dual perspective understanding of 2E learners who are gifted and have ADHD, and learn to prioritize educational needs for selecting the best interventions.

Understanding the Twice-Exceptional Student – Tracy Inman
Students who have both gifts and disabilities may not ever be formally identified as possessing either. Their strengths mask their weaknesses while the weaknesses sabotage the strengths – leaving a person frustrated, underachieving, or even hating school. This interactive session explores the 2e learner: What does he look like? How can we identify her? How can his needs be addressed? What does success look like for her?

Using Dynamic Assessment to Serve Under-Represented Students with Gifts and Talents – Yara N. Farah
School districts have little difficulty identifying students for gifted services when they score at the highest levels on standardized tests. However, many highly capable students do not do well enough to be considered, even though they can excel with services if given the chance. Dynamic assessment is an alternate method to intelligence tests for measuring intellectual ability in disadvantaged, twice exceptional, or limited English proficiency students. This session explores dynamic assessment as a supplemental source of information in flexible identification procedures.

Using Pop Culture to Engage and Challenge Gifted Adolescents – Kimberley L. Chandler and Jennifer H. Robins
Incorporating songs, artwork, and literature from popular culture in lessons can help gifted adolescent students feel more connected to the curriculum in content-area classes and can inspire greater self-efficacy and success. In this session, the presenters will use the literature, art, and music of various contemporary decades to promote higher order thinking and interdisciplinary learning.




Please contact Julia Roberts at
or 270-745-5991.

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 Last Modified 3/2/18