Anth 375 Paleoanthropology: Human Origins and Evolution
Dr. Darlene Applegate
Fall 2004
Links to Related Web Sites

Evidence for Evolution

Information about savanna baboons

Considers what the study of chimpanzee hunting in Africa can tell us about early humans. If you click on the link below, it may take you to the University of Southern California Chronicle web page. Just scroll down the page to the "Chimpanzee hunting habits yield clues about early human ancestors" link and click on it. Or, just type in the address below to get to the chimp hunting web page.       /chimp.html  

Evolutionary Theory

Overview of the history of evolutionary theory        

Description of the fundamental concepts of biological evolutionary theory     
Definitions of evolution      
Discussion of how evolution is viewed as a fact but evolutionary mechanisms are viewed as theories      
Discussion of the modern synthesis of Darwin's ideas and genetics      
Summary of the people who influenced the major tenets of Darwin's theory of descent with modification through natural selection      
Description of the role of chance in evolutionary theory and considers the theological implications      
Describes the genetic basis of evolutionary change      
Outlines common misconceptions about the theory of evolution and presents a rebuttal from a creationist perspective      
Primate classification

Complete list of primate taxa
Non-human primate evolution

Overview of nonhuman primate evolution, from the Paleocene to the Miocene, including physical traits and important genera/species Discussion of possible evidence of the oldest (Miocene) ape-human ancestor in the fossil record Human derived traits

Ten physical traits that distinguish humans from other primates are covered in this web page Locomotor traits that distinguish humans from other primates are covered in these web pages Several hypotheses have been suggested to explain the development of those physical traits distinguishing humans from other primates. One of these is the "aquatic ape theory" (AAT), seen by many anthropologists as untenable. Australopithecines

Summary of the major taxa we covered in this unit  
Summary of the major australopithecine fossil finds


Overview of Australopithecus afarensis, with mention of other early australopithecines


Overview of Australopithecus africanus, including discovery, fossils, physical traits, brain size, tool use, and sites             

Overview of  the robust australopithecines, including species, physical traits, predation, and sites.      

A series of questions and photographs allows you to evaluate the fossil remains of Lucy Announcement of the recent australopithecine discovery at Steinheim, South Africa. This fossil is the oldest, most complete skeleton found to date.  
Early Homo

Summary of Homo habilis fossils, physical traits, tool use, sites, and other information.     

Summary of the major Homo habilis and Homo rudolfensis fossil finds.
Describes recent discovery of the oldest stone tools at Gona, Ethiopia.                  
Homo erectus Summary of Homo erectus fossils, physical traits, tool use, development, sites, and dispersal from Africa.           

Summary of the major Homo erectus and Homo ergaster fossil finds.                    
Archaic Homo sapiens
A general overview of archaic Homo sapiens.  Neandertals

A general overview of neandertals.
A discussion of neandertal ritual practices. Recent discovery of an alleged neandertal-anatomically modern human hybrid Homo sapiens sapiens A general overview of Homo sapiens sapiens. Description of Chauvet Cave, a newly discovered site of Upper Paleolithic art in France.
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Page composed by Darlene Applegate,
Last updated on August 26, 2004
All contents copyright (c) 2004. Western Kentucky University.