TI-83 Graphing Calculator Manual
for Moore and McCabe's
Introduction to the Practice of Statistics

This page contains the programs that are used in the TI-83 companion manual to Introduction to the Practice of Statistics (5th Edition) by Moore and McCabe (W. H. Freeman and Company College Publishing). In this manual, problems from each section of the text are worked using either the built-in functions or programs specially written for the TI-83 Plus. I hope you find the manual to be helpful.

David K. Neal
Department of Mathematics
Western Kentucky University
Bowling Green, KY 42101 USA


Index of Programs

ANOVA1.83p - Displays the overall sample mean, the pooled sample deviation, the mean square for groups MSG, the mean square for error MSE, the P-value, and the R-squared coefficient of the ANOVA test for equality of means when the data is entered as summary statistics. Before executing the program, enter the sample sizes into list L1, the sample means into list L2, and the sample deviations into list L3.

ANOVA2.83p - Displays the P-values for two-way analysis of variance. For one observation per cell, enter the data into matrix [A] before executing the program. For c observations per cell, enter the means into matrix [A] and the standard deviations into matrix [B]. Also stores the marginal means for the rows and columns into lists L2 and L4. The overall mean is stored as the first value in list L5. The remainder of L5 are the values SSA, SSB, and SSE.

ANPOWER.83p - Computes the Winer approximation of the power of the ANOVA test for specified alternative means. Before executing the program, enter the successive sample sizes into list L1 and the alternative population means into list L2. After the level of significance and the guessed standard deviation are entered in the running of the program, the approximate power is displayed along with the values of F*, DFG, DFE, and the noncentrality parameter.

BAYES.83p - Computes the total probability P(C) and conditional probabilities associated with Bayes' rule. Before executing the program, enter values for P(Ai) into list L1 and the conditionals P(C | Ai) into list L2. The program displays P(C) , stores P(C & Ai) into list L3, stores P(Ai | C) into list L4, stores P(Ai | C') into list L5, and stores P(C | Ai') into list L6.

BOOT.83p - Performs resampling on a random sample that is entered into list L1. If a bootstrap confidence interval for the statistic is desired, enter 1 for CONF. INTERVAL?; otherwise, enter 0. The program takes resamples from the entered random sample and enters their means into list L2. The mean of all resamples, the bootstrap standard error, and the confidence interval (if specified) are displayed.

BOOTCORR.83p - Perfoms the bootstrap procedure on the correlation coefficient or the regression slope for paired sample data that has been entered into lists L1 and L2. When prompted, enter 1 if you want to bootstrap the correlation coefficient or enter 2 if you want to bootstrap the regression slope. The resampled statistics are stored in list L3. The statistic of the original sample data is displayed along with the bootstrap standard error and the confidence interval.

BOOTPAIR.83p - Computes a bootstrap t-confidence interval for the difference in means based on random samples that have been entered into lists L1 and L2. The resampled differences in mean are stored in list L3. The difference of the original sample averages is displayed along with the bootstrap standard error and the confidence interval.

BOOTTEST.83p - Performs a permutation test for the difference in means. Before executing, enter data from the first population into list L1 and enter data from the second population into list L2. When prompted, enter 1, 2, or 3 to designate the desired alternative. The resampled differences in permuted mean are ordered and then stored in list L3. The program displays the difference in the original sample means and the P-value.

BOOTTRIM.83p - Computes a bootstrap t-confidence interval for a trimmed mean on a random sample that has been entered into list L1. When prompted, enter the desired number of resamples, the decimal amount to be trimmed at each end, and the desired confidence level. The program takes resamples from the entered random sample and enters their trimmed means into list L2. The trimmed mean of the original sample, the trimmed bootstrap standard error, and the confidence interval are displayed.

BTPRTEST.83p - Performs a permutation test for either the difference in paired means or for the correlation. Before executing, enter the data set into lists L1 and L2. When prompted, enter 1 or 2 to designate the enter desired test, then enter 1, 2, or 3 to designate the desired alternative. The resampled permuted pair differences in mean (or correlations) are ordered and stored in list L3. The statistic from the original paired sample is displayed along with the P-value.

CAPIND.83p - Computes the capability indexes for a control process with specified LSL andUSL. An option exists to enter the mean and standard deviation directly or to specify that sample means and sample deviations are already entered into lists L1 and L2 respectively.

CONTRAST.83p - Computes the P-value for a significance test and a confidence interval for mean population contrasts. Before executing the program, enter the sample sizes into list L1, the sample means into list L2, the sample deviations into list L3, and the contrast equation coefficients into list L4. When prompted during the program, enter either 1 or 2 for a one-sided or two-sided alternative.

CONTRL.83p - Computes the upper and lower control limits and graphs the control charts for xbar and s. Before executing the program, enter the previously obtained sample means into list L1 and the sample deviations into list L2. For the xbar chart, enter the sample sizes, the desired mean, and the desired standard deviation to receive the control limits. For the s chart, enter the the sample sizes and the desired standard deviation. Press GRAPH to see the chart if the means and deviations have been entered into L1 and L2.

CONTRL2.83p - Computes the control limits and graphs the control charts for xbar and s based on past data. Before executing the program, enter the previously obtained sample means into list L1 and the sample deviations into list L2.

CONTRLP.83p - Computes the control limits for sample proportions given either summary statistics or data entered into lists L1 and L2. In the second case, press GRAPH to see a control chart after the program executes.

DISTSAMP.83p - Draws a random sample from a discrete distribution that has been entered into lists L1 and L2.

FITTEST.83p - Performs a goodness of fit test for a specified discrete distribution. Before executing, enter the specified proportions into list L1 and enter the observed cell counts into list L2. The expected cell counts are computed and stored in list L3, and the individual contributions to the chi-square test statistic are stored in list L4. The program displays the test statistic and the P-value.

KRUSKAL.83p - Performs the Kruskal-Wallace test. Before executing, enter the data into the columns of matrix [A] and the sample sizes into a row matrix [B]. The program displays the test statistic and P-value. Then L3 contains the merged, sorted measurements, L4 contains their (averaged) ranks, and L5 contains the sum of ranks from each population.

LOG1.83p - Computes the coefficients of the linear regression model for the log of odds ratio. Also displays the odds ratio.

MULTREG.83p - Computes the regression coefficients and an ANOVA table for a multiple linear regression model. The squared correlation coefficient, F-statistic, P-value, and standard deviation are also displayed. Before executing the program, enter sample data as columns in matrix [A] with the last column used for the dependent variable. The regression coeffecients are stored into matrix [D] and the ANOVA table is stored in lists L1, L2, and L3.

ODDS.83p - Computes the appropriate mathematical odds for a given probability p of an event A. If p < .50, then the odds against A are given as the ratio (1-p) : p. If p > .50, then the odds in favor of A are given as the ratio p : (1-p).

ODDS2.83p - Computes the odds-in-favor ratio between two proportions.

ODDSINT.83p - Computes a confidence interval for the slope of the logistic regression model and the odds ratio.

ODDSTEST.83p - Computes the test statistic and P-value for the hypothesis test that an odds ratio equals 1.

POWER2T.83p - Computes a standard normal approximation of the power of the two sample t-test upon entering values for the alternative mean difference, the two sample sizes, the level of significance, and the common standard deviation.

PSAMPSZE.83p - computes the required sample size that would give a maximum desired margin of error m for a proportion confidence interval.

RANDOM.83p - randomly chooses a subset of specified size from the set {1, 2, . . ., n} and stores the values in list L1.

RANKSUM.83p - Performs the Wilcoxon rank sum test on data from two populations. Before executing, enter the data into lists L1 and L2. The program displays the expected sum of ranks from list L1 and the sums of the ranks from each list. It then displays the smallest tail-value created by the test statistic which is the sum of the ranks from L1. After the program runs, list L3 will contain the merged, sorted measurements, and L4 will contain their (averaged) ranks.

REG1.83p - Finds confidence intervals for the regression slope and intercept. Before executing the program, data must be entered into lists L1 and L2.

REG2.83p - computes a confidence interval for a mean response or a prediction interval for an estimated response. Before executing the program, enter paired data into lists L1 and L2.

REG3.83p - Computes the ANOVA table for linear regression and displays the associated F-statistic and P-value. Before executing the program, data must be entered into lists L1 and L2. The ANOVA table is stored into lists L4, L5 and L6.

SIGNRANK.83p - Performs the Wilcoxon signed rank test on data sets of size n from two populations. Before executing, enter the data into lists L1 and L2. The program sorts the absolute value of the differences L2 - L1 into list L3, but disregards any zero differences. The (averaged) rank of each non-zero difference is stored in list L4. The sums of the ranks of the positive differences and of the negative differences are displayed. The program also displays the smallest tail-value created by the test statistic which is the sum of the ranks of the positive differences.

TPOWER.83p - Computes the power against an alternative for hypothesis tests about the mean when using a known standard deviation and critical t-score values.

TSCORE.83p - Finds the critical value (t score) of a t-distribution upon specifying the degrees of freedom and confidence level.

TWOTCI.83p - Computes a confidence interval for the difference of means of normally distributed populations when the critical value t* is obtained from the t-distribution having degrees of freedom that is the smaller of n1 - 1 and n2 - 1.

TWOTTEST.83p - Performs hypothesis tests for the difference of means of normally distributed populations when the critical value t* is obtained from the t-distribution having degrees of freedom that is the smaller of n1 - 1 and n2 - 1.

TWOWAY.83p - Converts a two-way table of raw data into three different proportion tables. Before executing the program, enter the raw data into matrix [A]. The joint distribution is then stored in matrix [B], the conditional distribution on the column variable is stored in matrix [C], and the conditional distribution on the row variable is stored in matrix [D].

ZPOWER.83p - Computes the power against an alternative for hypothesis tests about the mean when using a known standard deviation and normal distribution z-scores.

ZSAMPSZE.83p - Computes the sample size needed to obtain a desired maximum margin of error with a specified level of confidence when finding a confidence interval for the mean when using a known standard deviation and normal distribution z-scores.

David Neal's Homepage.

Last updated October 4, 2004
All contents copyright (c) 1998-2004.